soulful guide | dream weaver | spirit of liberation



Retreat Percolating

As I wrap-up my work week this afternoon, I’m indulging in some retreat brainstorming.  I’ll be leading the first of four one-day retreats at the end of this month and ideas are percolating!  I have a deep desire to offer a space for women to gather, to rest, to reflect, to giggle and nibble, and to sit with other women.  I’m almost busting at the seams with ideas!

 Besides going on retreat myself, planning retreats is one of my favorite things to do.  Believe it or not, I used to draw learning centers with my school-age friend, Mandy, with colored pencils and crayons.  As fun.  When we’d “play.”  In those days, we were designing the coolest school–art rooms and dance studios and who knows what else! (Mandy, if you’re out there, can you recall?)  Later, I’d sit with my college hall mate and plan destination retreats as we finished our Philosophy 101 homework in the Hanover College Student Center.  Yes, I’ve been a retreat geek for a long, long time!

The planning process is usually a combination of journal writing, collaging, and conversing with friends.  (I had no idea that the process has always been this combo–wow!)  And this time, it’s involving lots of self-reflection and truth-telling as I explore the nuggets that have sustained me in the last two years of transition.  Those gems I want to  invite participants to explore for themselves in the community of like-minded women. 

Here’s what is percolating so far:

  • designing a deck of renewal cards for retreatants to pull an inspiring and intuitive message
  • meandering walks around the Cottage property or sitting in the sunshine on its deck
  • enjoying yummy snacks and lunch together–and perhaps a visit from Chris, the Cottage proprietress and the Chief Goddess of Danville
  • pondering questions of “what’s next” in our journals, in conversation, and in collages
  • I also have lots of pictures of cupcakes–go figure! 


Enjoy your weekend and Happy May Day!  Oh, and if you want a free retreat goody, visit my company website at for an ebook on retreating.

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