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31 Days of Brave Hearts | Day 1, Kelli Finch



She is one of the kindest and most tenacious women I know.  She sent my son a book about kindergarten when he started school.  She has a soft voice and a great laugh.  And she always makes me feel seen.  Ms. Kelli.  

Who do you adore? My 2 boys. They are simply awesome.

What was the best trip ever? Negril, Jamaica we had a wedding moon. Only the 2 of us went…we got married and then started our honeymoon.

What is the best gift you’ve received? a Nintendo as a kid and a kitchen-aid mixer as an adult.

What is the ultimate party? Few good friends, good food, drinks and fun!!!

Your mother always told you?  Things will be better in the morning.

What/where is your happy place? Cuddled up with [my son] right before he goes to bed.


Who do you secretly want to be? A photographer/hair dresser.

How has this work changed you? This work has made me more understanding, patient and kind. There but for the grace of God I go. You never know when you or a loved one might need help in your life.

What fuels you? Knowing the work we do is changing lives. Talking to survivors every day and listening to how they are making a new life now.

What’s the best advice you were given about this work? It will be worth it, working in the trenches. If not you to do this work, then who?

What is your shelter/refuge? My house.

What is your favorite word? Possible.

I secretly love…to argue!

What are the tools of your trade? A sense of humor and a sharp tongue when needed.

What are you scared of? Leaving my boys to soon.


What did you study?  Sociology/criminology.

What is one outrageous thing you’d love to own? Oceanfront house!!!

What gives you courage? Knowing I can be alone and be okay. Knowing that I alone can provide for me and my boys.

What is your most cherished thing? A diamond ring I had created out of my wedding bands & now my new engagement ring.

How would your BFF describe you? Hardheaded, stubborn, relentless, loyal, strong.

What do you love most about yourself? I have a kind heart.

What do you want the world to know about your work? Domestic Violence is an issue that affects millions and millions of women and children.  Instead of asking why she doesn’t stay, why can’t the question be, “why is violence against women tolerated in our society and culture?”

Meet other Brave Hearts like Kelli at 31 Days of Brave Hearts.



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