soulful guide | dream weaver | spirit of liberation

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Ladies Magazine Collection

B & W Fashion Set / New Season

Belvedere of Tuscany

Denim Lovers

Dancing Girl

Fashion Model Portraits

Jungfraujoch, Top of Europe

Leo Bernard’s

Couple in Summer

Another Julia’s Collection

The Presentation

Vestibulum ornare orci eget dolor laoreet placerat. Suspendisse eu enim dui, a varius tortor. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Non numquam eius. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud.

Areas of Expertise

Web Design
Customer Relationship

I have had the pleasure of working with [Tisha] for three weeks and already have a sense of control and balance in my personal and professional life. This process has opened a dialogue within me that I was unable to articulate before…Thanks Tisha!


Wanderlust was like taking a road trip. Just you, the open road, and a group of gorgeously inspiring soul sisters. No maps, no compasses, no GPS. Just following the signs, wherever inspiration and intuition leads you. With her unique style of grit and grace, Tisha helped me weave the kind of magic that truly makes my gypsy heart soar...


Tisha's "being lost" prompt took me to a place far in my past that encouraged me to slow down, tell a story, and examine how something seemingly forgotten had shaped my perspective and contributed to the woman I am today. It was a bittersweet, beautiful journey I needed to take.
