soulful guide | dream weaver | spirit of liberation



Why I’m Grateful for Her Today

august 042

She rocked my newborn babe to sleep when I was too exhausted

She flew cross-country and showed up on my doorstep as a surprise

She cooks me comfort foods like only a sister can

She helped me feel beautiful on my wedding day

She was my sidekick on midnight drives with the sunroof open

She endured endless euchre games and hours of Barbies

She took the bottom bunk

She forgives me for the many moments I may have left her out, as big sisters sometimes do

She gets teary each time we leave one another 

She trusts me with her secrets—and her dreams

She believes in me sometimes more than I do myself

She gives me grace

She is my sister, my life blood, my best friend.

Happy birthday, Kiki.  I love you so.

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