soulful guide | dream weaver | spirit of liberation



31 Days of Brave Hearts || Day 23, Tamara Reif


She has a gift with the camera.  She is one of those people who is not above any task.  Meet Tamara.

What is your superpower?  I have the ability to juggle 20 balls (responsibilities) in the air at the same time.

Who do you adore?  My kids.  Their resiliency is breathtaking.  And they are really cute, too.

Describe your brave heart outfit.  Red cowboy boots, rainbow cape and a top hat.

What is your favorite movie?  Footloose.

What was the best trip ever?  When Ben and I drove to Maine when we were in college.

What is the best gift you’ve received?  My camera.

What is the ultimate party?  All of my friends from near and far, in the mountains in West Virginia.

Your mother always told you…you can do anything.

What/where is your happy place?  West Virginia.

Who do you secretly want to be?  Jennifer Hancock.

How has your work changed you?  Sometimes I am not sure.  But then I am caught off guard by the raw emotion I have sometimes when I hear or witness a story from a victim.  I think the reason I have lasted so long is that I haven’t let it change me much.  I am still the sort of straight forward girl I have always been.  Since I have had kids, I am not sure if it’s been the work or just the fact that they are my heart and walk around outside of my body.  But I am definitely more aware of what could happen to them and that gets overwhelming.

What fuels you?  Family and friends.

What is your shelter/refuge?  My back deck.

What is your favorite word?  Onomatopoeia   

I secretly love…to be alone.

What are the tools of your trade?  Patience and quick problem solving.

What are you scared of?  Failing.

What did you study?  Biology.  I started pre-med and then chemistry kicked my ass.

What is one outrageous thing you’d love to own?  A house boat.

What gives you courage? My kids!

What is your most cherished thing?  My camera.

How would your BFF describe you?  Honest, kind, straight forward.  She often tells me what she loves about me is that you are pretty much going to always get the same Tamara.

What do you love most about yourself?  My sense of humor.

What do you want the world to know about your work?  That one day, domestic and sexual violence will be something in history books.

Meet other Brave Hearts like Tamara at 31 Days of Brave Hearts.


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