soulful guide | dream weaver | spirit of liberation



Accepting Help

This morning, I opened Janet Quinn’s I Am a Woman Finding My Voice to the message “I Am a Woman Accepting Help.”  What most resonated with me was this passage:

In my heart of hearts, I need.  I need to be part of a larger whole.  I need human touch and voice and connection.  I need other people to share the journey with, in all its pain and beauty and wonder and mystery.  I cannot grow in a vacuum, alone and isolated.  More important, I no longer want to.  I am strong enough now, wise enough, healed enough to stop resisting help and to say simply thank you.  I am a woman accepting help.

And what incredible help I have around me these days…

  • my hubby Joe as he parents solo a few nights this week as I claim some self-care time
  • my friend Christy as she meets for dinner and we share our latest questions, passions, and lessons
  • healing guides, coaches, yoga teachers, authors, and teleclass teachers who share their wisdom so that I may stretch myself
  • my son Harper as he invites me to delight in simple things and to learn the power in expressing my feelings
  • my retreat co-host Chris as we plan retreats together at her property, The Cottage
  • fellow mamas on blogs and yahoo groups who offer tips, ideas and resources while reminding me I am not alone
  • my peer coach Donna as we mastermind our businesses together cross-country
  • my parents and in-laws who have volunteered to watch Harper in the next couple of weekends

My intention is to stay open to the helping…to offer help in return…and to feel the gratitude of the love around me!  What does help look like for you right now?

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